Boot Camp

Are you ready for transformation, to define the real you. Our Boot camp instructor has a training plan to suit your needs.

Boot Camp

This program brings together circuits of intense exercises. The idea is to build strength and endurance.

Boot camp programs may be so popular because they work every muscle group, you can do them anywhere, and they don't require any equipment.

Intensity Level: High
Because the boot camp workout involves a rapid-fire sequence of moves, it's fast-paced and pretty intense.

Areas It Targets
Core: Yes. The cardio portion of the workout burns fat, while exercises like planks, mountain climbers, and sit-ups work the abs and other core muscles.

Arms: Yes. This workout includes many different arm exercises. Some, like bicep curls and tricep kickbacks, can be done with hand weights or weighted balls. Others, like push-ups and walking planks, use your body weight to strengthen muscles.

Legs: Yes. Many boot camp programs include squats, lunges, and other leg moves.

Glutes: Yes. This program includes several exercises for the glute muscles, including squats and lunges.

Back: Yes. Boot camp targets every major muscle group in the body, including those in your back.

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